I have a blog now. Which took me ages to put up. Not the actual blog, but the first blog post. Writing is hard! Especially if you have so much to write about. Or nothing to write about. It’s overwhelming, that’s what I meant. I worried about wether it’s going to be good enough (whatever that means), or interesting enough for you to read. Well that doesn’t matter anymore now, does it? I am writing it now.
But first I have to introduce myself I guess. Here we go.
I am a 24 year old human, I like dinners on the beach and long walks in the rain. No just kidding. I am a human tho. I also make hemp dog gear. Collars, leads, toys, all that stuff. I started this business because I love dogs (animals in general actually) and hemp. Hemp is the shizz, well I think it is. Maybe you do too. If not, I will make you! Hopefully I can make more people love hemp because of its super powers. Hemp is my God. Altho I am an atheist so that’s not really the case.

A hemp lead I made, called Hipster II
Anyway, I want to share my thoughts about things that interest me, things I know something about, things I want to get to know better,…So please, if you are interested to read and see more, please do come back soon or subscribe to my blog at the top of this site.
I wonder if all of the above made any sense. Sorry, I’m new to this (that’s what she said heh).
Thank you 🙂
x Katja